At Giardino you can combine dishes as you please. Because we have a free-choice system. The meat from the "Traditional" menu, the side dish from the "Weekly Special"and the vegetables from the veggie menu. No problem. With us you can eat whatever you like and combine it as you wish. The main component - meat, fish or veg - determines the price. Very simple!
In each menu is included: a menu salad or soup or dessert.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
07.00 - 16.00 h
Lunch service: 11.30 -14.00 h
Open to public
Opening hours
Montag bis Freitag 11.00 - 15.00 Uhr
Mittagsservice: 11.30 -14.00 Uhr
Open to public

Eldora AG
Gastronomy Services Glencore
Restaurant Giardino
Baarermatte 1
6340 Baar